Safeguarding / Club Code of Conduct 1 of 2

1. Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Hockey

Policy on Safeguarding and Protecting Young People

Slough Hockey Club is committed and dedicated to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all young people involved in hockey. We accept a responsibility to help safeguard the welfare of young people and protect them from harm.

Every individual (Coaches, players, parent volunteers, umpires, referees and other officials) within SHC has a role and responsibility to help ensure the safety and welfare of young people (any people under the age of 18). Every individual within SHC must accept that they are required to fulfil their duty of care, which means that they must do everything, that can be reasonably expected of them to help safeguard and protect young people from any reasonable foreseeable harm.

Slough Hockey Club’s Child Protection Policies can be found below. In addition you can also find guidance on Recognising Poor Practice and Abuse and the correct procedure to take in any reporting of such incidents.

All individuals within SHC must make themselves aware and have a good understanding of the clubs Child Protect Policy, Recognising Poor Practice and Abuse guidance and Reporting procedure.

Any Child Protect Concerns should be addressed with the clubs Child Welfare Officer.

Slough Hockey Club Welfare Officers Beverley Crabbe and Surjit Sandhu
Contact Telephone 07957 883 421
Email Address

For more in depth knowledge in regards to Child Protect in Hockey, please see ‘Proud to Protect Safeguarding the Hockey Family’


Safeguarding and Protecting Young People In Hockey Policy - LATEST


Developmental Selection Policy Adopted Oct 2013


Recognising Poor Practice and Abuse


Reporting Procedures
